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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
hoe.. the battles started..
yak!! the mid test comming~... >_<.. and i have few assigments also.. yak!! a busy week starting from today... but won't give up!!..although i feel powerless few times... T_T..i hate if i fell stupid or something similar! huh!
hoooooooooooooooooo T_T i want a holidaaaaaaaay.. just 3 day please.. without worried about anything..!!.. hem.. can't have it until lebaran day i think... because i have something else to do after mid test.. hem.. heeey no time to complain.. just do my best.. !! about the java assigment.. i managed to finished it.. not perfectly.. but sure much better than the one that i submitted... XP.. argh.. why do i always workin on my assigment when the due date is close.. huaa.. bad habbit!!
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 4:40 PM |
Monday, October 25, 2004
another good sad ending movie...
hoe.. can't sleep.. T_T~ i have been sleeping all day long wakaka.. heuhue...~
i've just finished watching a movie in sctv.. dunno the title.. heihie.. didn't see it from the begining .. so i just watch it without knowing the title.. ^^ the story is about a laywer and a impossible case to win.. the case is about a prisoner named.. henry something.. in alcatraz.. (well is this a real case?).. and then they get closer by time.. but there's no good solution about the case.. later.. the lawyer found that henry is only a weapon.. someone told him to kill the victim.. or he get back to scary dungeon he've been living for 3 years without leaving it for just one second.. ( a dark cold place..)..just one hour after he lived that dark place.. he killed someone.. without realize that's something wrong.. (yeah.. who'll have clear mind living in such place)..and who make him do such thing are.. some person from the alcatraz.. in the end.. henry dead but alcatraz closed.. and no one will treat unfair as him.. and that's make he die for somthing.. that is nice.. =).. and henry got his only wish.. to have a real friend.. which is the lawyer.. and so does the lawyer.. aah i'm not good in telling stories.. so guess that u can't feel the film emotion wakakak~ hoe.. =)..apart from the java tragedy.. i feel happy.. hihihi~ because of... XP not gonna tell u.. keep it for myself wakakak~ ergh.. one of my friend use this handphone as webcam.. '_'.. guess my handphone can to the same thing.. but with this bad dial up from telkom.. useless i think.. without having bluetooth also wahuahu~ gonna buy it next month.. because my new laptop don't have infared.. hoe.. just a light laptop wihout much function like the old one.. miss the old one =P
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 4:34 AM |
Friday, October 22, 2004
arg =_=~
heeeeeeeee... the due date for java is today...
i send the uncomplete assignment in the end.. =_=... arg!!! whatever!!!! don't caaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! next time i'll work harder..~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 6:30 PM |
Friday, October 15, 2004
'_'....~ hari pertama puasa
hiyah.. mendapat cobaan di awal puasa yah...tpi sayah harus tabah... (elus2 dada)..
eh sebelum lupa: Marhaban ya Ramadhan...tyas minta maap yah kalo ada kesalahan kesalahan... yang kadang emang sengaja dilakuin ^_^ (khususnya wahai kalian anak2 ki)... dan tidak disengaja..hehe biar puasanya lbi afdol..slamat memnunaikan ibadah puasa yah bagi yang menjalankannya.. ^^ kayanya ada yang masih menyimpan kesal sama tyas yah hihi.. kok agak2 sial... hue...tpi sahur hari ini lumayan enak.. ayam bakar sama juice alpukat.. ^^ kenyang (banget)~... hua~ alangkah kangennya sahur di rumah... dan untungnya pulang ke rumah hari ini... buka puasa pertama di rumah sama kluarga... tahun depan gak bakal bisa nih... haaaaaaah.. kok gak enak banget si perasaan gw -_-;;.. i'm sure it's not because i couldn't do the advanced programming quiz this morning.. and in fact.. i know the cause is.. it's just.. i don't want this thing affect me more.. that's it! enough! i wish it's that simple as saying it.. ^_^ ayo gak boleh mengeluh terus.. hiyaah... slama bulan puasa ini stop pikiran2 gak perlu.. konsentrasi ke mid test yang akan datang.. dan.. perbaikan diri? '_'... hue....fight and never give up~!! q(^_^)p
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 2:58 PM |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
whoa... i miss my friends >_<
i don't know why but.. >_<.. i really want to meet my high school classmates nowadays.. luckily two of them who live far away.. will go to jakarta next month.. i absolutely will meet them =D.. aaaah... senangnyaaaaaaaaa~...
i want to have a little reunion with them ^^...!! stuju teman2..??? oh yeah.. i also kinda miss dika the girl whose 'kos' room is near to mine... my classmate also.. >_<.. she went for umroh few days ago.. she'll be back on friday.. but i won't meet her until sunday.. huu.. getting use to have her arround me.. it feels weird without she's here.. to annoy me .. =D.. dika when u read this.. please don't be GR yah heuhue~ hiyah.. there's a news.. about someone from my past.. '_'... hehuhue.. should i happy about this... or more important is.. do i care?? XD... i don't in fact.. hyaah.. gak jlas bget huehue~ pasti pada gak ngerti~ hem.. lately.. it's so hard for me to believe all those sweet words .. hem.. u know lah~..XD gyahaha...~ apa klo pake bhs jawa saya lupa.. gombal mukiyo =D
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 1:54 PM |
Friday, October 08, 2004
=D.. better than yesterday~
ergh.. the java assigment is very hard.. T_T.. ergh.. i don't think that i'll finished it ontime.. hue~ but i don't give up.. yet~.. btw this is the c assigment (here) .. i don't really know c.. and this is my second program (the first was helloWorld.c gyahhaa.. only print the word "hello world!" =P..)
hem.. lots of thing to tell but it's so dark outside and i'm alone in the lab... in addition there are many dogs in may campuss.. hue.. gak konsen jadinya...~ better to go home.. eh i mean go to my kos now.. ~ i'll go to warnet maybe~ huaa... there's something that makes me happy today.. =)... keep it as secret lah... heuheuhu~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 8:33 PM |
ergh.. yesterday.. i made a post.. a long one.. =_=.. but suddendly the internet was disconnecting.. argh...!!!!!! it lost... siaaaaaaaaaaaal... [i'll write it again.. but it ain't gonna be the same] and when i got back to my kos.. the electricity in some part of margonda street where it is located.. turned off.. i was thinkin'.. "well this happened several time.. it will turn on few minutes or hours again.." but then i was wrong.. =_=... it off for 12 hours... hiiiih... at first i consider myself lucky for having my laptop which in the full power and a big candle i bought few days before... BUT.... when i burned the candle.. the melting part of it fall down to my hand.. it hurt a lil bit.. T_T... and when i turned on my laptop it's power only 75% left.. hiyah.. i forgot that i used it in the morning.. in addition.. my handphone power was very critical.. i was waiting for a phone call.. (luckily my kind hearted friend (eheheh.. u know who u are klo baca gak usah gr) called me to my kos phone.. hiyaaah... cheer me up! =D... udah pengen triak2 rasanya sial melulu...).. and i couldn't chat either cos' of it.. hiiih.. a boring 12 hours.. so what did i do? i just listened to my mp3s.. doin' database exercise.. and was about to do my java exercise when i started to get sleepy.. decided to sleep after that... when i woke up ... the electricity still off... sleept again for 1 hours.. and it still off when i woke up.. i prayed and after that i sleept again ultil 7.15 am... haaaaaaah... it is on.. =D... but i's a temporary happiness. ... when i took a bath... the water suddendly stopped... but just for a few minutes... hiyah.. ended with come late into my moning class...
i workin' on my C programming assigment today... copy a file into another.. it goes like this... --> ./copy sourcefile destinationfile..... and with lot of spirit hwuhuw... i finally finished it.. but not easily.. cos' i accidentally deleted it one time.. =_=.. but i remember the code so it's ok... i'll show it to u latter... huuu.. what bad things happened to me??? my dearest warnet T_T... it's lost its connection today.. well.. i went to another place (this place) ... the connection is pretty fast.. buuut... there's no msn messenger... getting use to use it rather than yahoo msger.. hiyaah.. and the gprs for my handphone is error too... so i can't chat with hp.. la la la la... ruined my happy mood... humph...
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 12:15 AM |
Saturday, October 02, 2004
malam yang menyenangkan~
heuhue.. lagi males ah nulis pake bahasa inggris pake bahasa indonesia ajah..
yak.. setelah jam 7 saya sampai di lokasi mk di hutan firman universitas indonesia heuue... dan bersenang2 =D disana sampe jam 6 pagi... gw pulang deh ke kos.. tidur sampe jam 10.. trus bangun lalu tidur lagi.... sampe jam 1.. trus ke lab iseng... (seharusnya ngerjain tgas sih) ntar malem mau kesana lagi jam 7 ^_^~ daaaaan gw gak jadi pulang.. pertama karena gak punya tenaga.. kedua.. karena pengen ksana lagi... hihi.. walopun banyak hal diluar hal yang menyenangkan yang terjadi... overall.. acaranya menyenangkan sekali.. (khususnya pos kata angkatan 2003 hihi.. tempat gw melakukan games merangkai kata yang aneh) ehuheue kabarnya pos kota (tempat ajang jayuz2an itu lbi gila lagi.. ) ^_^~ padahal seharusnya dikasi tensi satu alias agak tegas sama mahasiswa baru.. tp kok jadi gitu yah... [cerita di pos]... pertamanya pos kata penghuninya sedikit skali.. dari 3 pos yg disediain bwat angkatan 2003... mungkin paling kurang menarik.. dibanding pos kota.. and pos kita (tempat yel2 dan mars fasilkom di tes)... tp kok tiba2 jadi rame heuheu (yah gw agak2 memaksa si heuhe.. tp pada akhirnya rame heueu).. kocak skali di situ... anak 2003 kan emang pada jayuz2.. yang jadi bgitulah ^___^... di pos kata itu.. anak 2004 di suruh merangkai kalimat dari satu kata yang ditentuin kita2.. kalimatnya kocak2 hihi.. trus pada akhirnya.. kalimat tadi di ilangin konsonannya.. misalhnya 'ibu pergi ke pasar sedangkan bapak membaca koran' -doktrin dari sd kalo cewe kerjanya pergi ke pasar =D-... jadi.. i u e i e a a e a a a a e a a o a =D wakakakakakkaka... ngakak2 abis .. =D.. trus di pos kata gak boleh ktawa beneran kalo ktawa.. harus ngomong.. 'ktawa ktawa' =P dan juga kalo senyum.. 'senyum senyum' kalo mikir 'mikir mikir' heuhuehue >_<... tp kalo diem pengecualian.. berbusa aja tuh mulutnya tiap diem musti bilang 'diem diem ehuhu'yah maksudnya si melatih konsentrasi, mikir cepet, mikirin temennya juga klo nerusin kata jangan aneh2 (soalnya pararel satu kelompok) dan kerja sama.. =) di pos itu ktemu juga akhirnya sama ade kelasnya ainun.. bernama alan yang gaya ngomongnya kocak skali huehuehue... kelompoknya juga paling kocak tuh =D... dimulai dari datangnya yang terpisah dan gak sadar kalo temennya ketinggalan.. untuk gak sok2an galak tuh dimarah2in.. =D.. (emang bisa gitu tyas marah2 ..). dan kelakuannya yang aneh2... [sehabis itu...]jadi gak mao pulang huehue~ udah lama banget gak ngumpul bareng anak2 2003 selain anak2 internasional.. makannya.. huu... this is my last mk... the next mk i'll be at oz.. huuu...malem ini ada api unggun dan bakar2an jagung.. dan acara mendekatkan diri dengan mahasiswa baru heuhue.. aah.. it's going to be fun.. =D jadi memutuskan buat ikut en gak pulang deh...~gonna miss some of them... T_T... walopun gak gitu2 deket... ternyata bareng2 pas mabim (masa bimbingan -smacam ospek gitu-) dan mk tahun lalu... bikin serasa punya ikatan huuu...~ mungkin gak akan dapet temen2 kaya mereka di oz nanti... yak udah ah kayanya udah panjang heuhue... yo.. besok diceritain lagi heuhue~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 7:50 PM |
Friday, October 01, 2004
how mk will be?
tonight.. i'll go to mk, mk (malam kekerabatan) is an event for new students in my faculty.. usually.. it held outside jakarta.. but this year it will be held in a forrest in my university =D .. keren kan ... kampus gw masi ada hutannya...
a little dissapointed.. me and my friends already imagined.. how fun it is when we go to javanaspa. (in sukabumi)... huu.. but maybe it's still fun.. having my friends arround me.. no matter where it is gyahaha..~ yah liat aja nanti deh... =D huwa.. miss my dad a looot.. and my mom also.. T_T.. they are in Solo.. huks.. why they travel a lot these days... ???*iriiii*... they'll be back tomorrow morning.. and they'll be going to malaysia the day after tomorrow..!!! huaaaaaaaaa... so i guess... there's nothing i can do at my home if i go home today... one of my sister.. nita.. is going for a TO (trip observation) for 5 days.. and the one and only left at home is my youngest sis '_'~ ergh.. without my mom arround she will always be with me ( no other option).. get annoyed sometimes.. =_=.. spoil girl.. so.. i'll go home tomorrow and get back to depok the next day...(to do some assigments... )~ T_T hope my dad buy me something huehue.. there's a delicious "roti basah" (apaan coba bahasa inggrisnya =D ?? ).. called merani.. huu... and kripik ayam also.. btw.. my laptop attacked by sasser few days ago.. damn >_<.. luckily i have experienced it with my old laptop.. ~ it's ok now... but still.. why it can attacked in my university.. the admin said that 'udah ada kok di server yang buat ngecegahnya.. kok bisa kena?'.. i said slowly "boong" =_=; the same admin that don't know how to set the path for java '__';;;
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 7:14 PM |
do it means to you?...I guess not... it hurt me so much than i thought it will be...~ to know that it's maybe nothing to you.... '_'~...
linkin park's song easier to run is best suit me these days.. hah... i think i choose to run from this feeling rather than hurt my self in the end.. i don't need this anyway.. i still have many things to make me happier... this have to be end.. soon... T_T... it's easy to say.. but hard to do.. feelings aren't something that's easy to control.. sometimes this annoying feeling make me feel so happy and forgot about how it makes me feel misserable... i want to find.. someone... that when i feel something special about him.. it doesn't makes me feel bad about myself... i want someone that understand me.. and see me (the real me i mean).. and when he sees it.. he still stay beside me... and i want to understand him too.. so we can share something different that both of us only can share each other... the most wonderful feeling is when i'm not with him.. i can still feel his persistence... =).. because i know.. we care about each other... once in my past.. i found that person... but then I couldn't be with him.. beacuse I don't want to him to know my feeling.. so i just pretend that i feel nothing and we just only bestfriends... later on.. i know that he feels the same way.. but it's too late... although there is a part of me that want to be with him and ignored everything.. i can't hurt others.. in order to make me happy... it's not true happiness may i say.. because of that.. i don't want to run from my feelings again.. but then... something make me think that maybe i'm not that special for him... and i can't understand him also.. although i really want to do that... right now.. i just want to stay away from him... i didn't talk with him for 2 days.. and i'm still alive am i?? =D... maybe when i can control my feelings things can going well again... to run... and not being hurt... haaaaaah.. have many assignments these dayas... =_=.. but the good thing is i can forget about him =D.. thanks to database, operating system and advanced programming..~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 4:11 PM |