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Saturday, March 26, 2005
I just don’t care tonight.. I just wanna jump (plus singing and screaming) =D
^^.. oooh finally 26th march is come, and it means tonight I watched simple plaaaan concert!! Despite of haswar and armand opinion about simple plan as low level rock band because they were only opening band in green day concert in Brisbane (see previous post) -_-~ huh!! They did a good job tonight!!
For your information, I’m not one of their fans, maybe they even not in my 20 favorites band list.. [bands like embrace, phantom planet, mew, saybia, stereophonics, badly drawn boy, travis, maroon 5, athlete and other bands with similar kind of music may be listed.. hum, l’arc~en~ciel, asian kung-fu generation, linkin park and green day may also included [ ‘’, influenced by some friends…]… but not simple plan.. So, why did I buy the ticket anyway? First, I just want to have fun =D.. yeah I need it~ overwhelmed with some assignments, project and something else not related to my study [I just read something that really anoy me -_-~ bweeh~ it's makes me jealous XD bah.. stupid feelings]. Second, I have personal experience with one of their song [don’t wanna think about you] ^^;.. one of the major reason to like a song, because it describe you and your feeling bwehehehe… many better reason though. Third, their new single shut up and previous one welcome to my life are good songs.. and then I watch mtv live, simple plan preformed jump and suddenly it stuck in my mind =D.. So I copied dika’s cd and listen to other song and I found some other songs that I like, which are me against the world and thank you… ^^ well you’ll never know unless you give a try. Hihi.. I may list them on the top 20 after tonight =D… First song they play tonight is shut up, because I know the lyrics I just singing loudly.. no one heard me though.. They sang louder!! and also jumping =D.. followed by jump and me against the world [and some other songs that I barely know].. after that welcome to my life played.. I sang it with full spirit and also jump off course [with the limited energy after getting wild in jump XD bwaaah they played jump ‘perfectooo!!!’ falling in love with this song~] … THEN.. I suddenly felt dizzy.. I see everything darker than before.. Almost black in fact.. So I told dika, she told me to hug her and close my eyes.. [I never faint before so in my mind there’s nothing but ‘oh this is how you feel when u’re almost faint’… I heard some voice almost muted but the other voice louder, you almost don’t feel anything.. and suddenly dark].. magically about 5 minutes after I get my power back =D.. and then singing again [this time without jumping].. ^^ maybe dika have hidden abilities to cure almost faint peoples. ^^ btw.. Pierre the vocalist is too cute for rock band, he have red chubby chicks + lots of kiddy smiles…. XD aaaaaah pengen nyubiiiiiiiiiiit~ gemeeeeeeesh~ david is kinda cool =D.. [hihi.. I was thinking he's weird or something.. with that bizarre hair cut how am I suppose to think..?].. the best moment was when they played jump!! Bweh this post is too long and I still want to write may other things.. ^^.. in the next post I’ll tell u more =D bwahahaha~ (gosh.. am I too exited??) hoaaaaaahem.. it’s getting late.. I think I should sleep now.~ p.s: oh yeah lamo one of my friend, lost his handphone. Hoooh and when my dad picked me up, he turn on the radio and search for dangdut radio station, He said it is a good therapy after rock concert! XD ahahahahaha..
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 3:58 PM |
Monday, March 21, 2005
buhuhuhu~ here doing nothing.. hopeless....
>_> gyaaaaaaaaa..
My assigments not finished yet... the server is down (again)... and I didn't watch korean tv series (stairway to heaven).. huks tomorrow is the last episode!! ^^;; --> this one is not important heuheuheu... hey good news.. the deadline changed into wed ehuheue!! ~signing out~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 8:57 PM |
Sunday, March 20, 2005
-__-~ argh~
internet cepet bagnet.. tapi server dalem malah gak bisa dibuka.. ya ampfuuuuuun! gak bisa ngerjain tgas deh >_>
dah ah mari kita donlod video aja ...
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 8:50 PM |
^^~ tadi pagi kan baca koran.. ada list top ten lagu indonesia gitu deh.. ada ini
ello - pergi tuk kembali (hihi ternyata ello bkan elo, kta ummay machello namanya...) bwahaha.. knapa gw bodoh banget yah.. kenapa juga gak dari awal liat chart apa kek gitu.. ya ampun tyas tyas... ^^;; suka lemot keterlaluan.... truus.. tadi sambil online buka bearshare.. iseng2 ketik di search 'ello pergi' daaaan.. ada lho ada!!! =D huehue puas deh~ udah tyas puter brapa kali yah malam ini... '', hum.. what if someone that you really care doing just fine with or without you.. and so do you... it just.. feels different when you talk with him and another things you do with him.. oh yeah.. jealousy often comes...You want to be with him but everything is very.. doubtfull.. humph.. I just feel that I am nothing to that person.. hweeeh~ what's this feeling -_-~? kok tiba2 gw jadi nulis gitu.. humph.. cman kesumpekan perlu dikeluarin.. (tp emang dikeluarin = ngapus..??)..~ syalalalala~ *signing out.. I have to do something important*
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 2:28 AM |
Saturday, March 19, 2005
[humph]...simple plaan juga keren tuh -_-;;
huks.. tadi chat ama haswar + armand.. (weks.. chat lognya gak ke save soalnya laptopnya tadi mati tiba2..)..
kan gw ditanya tgl 26 ada apa?? gw jawab.. simple plan konser ^^.. mao ntn... >_> trus masa dikata2in.. soalnya simple plan cman jadi opening di konser green day di Brisbane!! arghhh!!.. gw juga mao klo ntn green day op.nya simple plaaaaaaaan!! dasar curang curaaaaaaaaaaang!!! *iri* hum.. soal lagu elo tadi.. udah tanya jdulnya ke ayah ma bu'na~ pulang ke rumah.. lagi tidur2an di kamar.. [sfx: suara mobil] langsung kebangun.. 'yes ayah pulang....', cman ada satu tujuan di kepala.. trus gw bangun nyamperin bokap di ruang tengah.. + cium tangan... stelah ngobrol2... 'ayah ayah tau lagu ini gak??...' -nyanyi lagunya elo setengah2 lupa- trus bokap ikut nyanyiin.... 'oh iya iya.. kayanya ayah inget.. ini sepanjang jalan kenangan' wakakakakakakak!! ngaco banget sih!! hihihihi~ [ktawa] 'ahahahahha ayah bukan itu lah.. aku aja inget sepanjang jalan kenangan kaya apa' ganti lirik buna (pangilan ke ibu).. 'ibu kan waktu senen nyanyi2 di mobil.. itu judulnya apa sih?' 'ah ibu lupa.. emang ibu nyanyi yah' - - , *nyerah...*.. trus bokap bilang 'eh kamu cari aja di tempat lagu2 lama ayah..' ide bagus thu heuhue... ntar cari ah.. mao denger versi lama juga *fin* eh lupa.. kan online mao cari tutorial yah... waks.. ayooo belajar =D
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 12:29 AM |
Friday, March 18, 2005
=D.. anyone know?
ada yang tau ELO.. ?? bbrp hari yg lalu denger di radio...
[di mobil.. setengah pusing -gara2 minum susu kedelai basi dikasi nyokap T_T- uuuh teganya.. trus tiba2 ada lagu di prambors]... nyokap tiba-tiba nyanyi.... 'selamat tinggal sayang sampai kita jumpa lagi bla bla bla'... (dengan lancar)... gw mikir... kok tiba2 nyokap jadi gaul.. hafal lagu anak muda... karena lagi pusing en enek gw diem aja gak komentar... *memejamkan maata* eh lagunya enak juga yah.. (nyokap tetep nyanyi dgn lancar).. ternyata emang gak mungkin nyokap gw jadi gaul.. heuheu ternyata itu remake lagu lama.. ^^ ntar tanya ah judulnya blom tau... ada yg tau lagu itu?
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 4:01 PM |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
^^.. simple plaaaan!!
yeaaah!! finally I decided to watch simple plan =D heuheuheuh!!
yah mudah2an bagus hihihi ^^.. padahal gw gak suka2 amat sih.. cman pengen pergi ajah.. skali2.. have fun =D.. lagunya yang paling suka... hum.. don't wanna think about you ^^ ada kenangan khusus hwahahahah~ kalo gw peratiin lirik lagu itu ama shut up mirip2 aja yah.. (yah jadinya suka 2 2nya) trus apa lagi yah.. @_@ oh ya belakangan lagi enek banget sama salah satu mata kuliah.. dosennya gak enak bgt.. bkin ngerasa tegang en suka ngeremehin muridnya.. gw gak suka tipe orang kaya gitu T_T.. '', trus ada dosen yang 'berkesan' soalnya suka ngata2in gw melulu T_T.. lucu sih.. klo orang lain yang ngeliat.. pada ktawa2 mulu -_-; tapi masyalahnya gw yang kna (tp gw juga jadi ktawa sih hihihihi) ampe tadinya sebel dikit en berniat gak mao jawab pertanyaan dari dia.. huuuuu.. tapi tetep aja gatel pengen ngejawab (hihi dasar harga diri) dia tuh ngingetin ama guru pas smp dulu.. yang suka ngejodohin gw XD.. klo gw terlihat dket ama si A.. pasti bsoknya dia gosipin kmana2.. trus pernah ampe kesebar ke satu angkatan.. sampe kikuk klo ketemu.. (bayangin gw cman lewat dpan dia hebohnya kaya ada artis lwat...).. hihi tapi mata pelajaran dosen en guru smp gw itu gw suka .. :P untung ajah... hum.. ada hal yang menyebalkan juga (#(*@#(@*&#(@ -ngomel2-)hihi.. tapi gak bakalan ditulis.. bisa gawat urusannya.. [lirik dika] tau kan dik? huehuehue dah ah.. mao.. tiduur >_>
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 4:02 PM |
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
^^.. hum..
I'm a big big girl in a big big world
it's not a big big thing if u leaveeee me~ but I do do feel... That I do do will miss u much... miss u much... Emilia - Big Big World =D kmaren kan lagi puter2 mp3 lagu ma dika sambil ngerjain tugas (plus brantem ma dika >_> soalnya dia nyebelin).. eh tiba lagu ini keputer.. [sebelomnya...] ada suatu keadaan yang bkin gak sengaja ngeliat foto seseorang.. jleg.. tiba2 ada perasaan aneh... yaitu.. k*ngen >_> hihihihi.. knapa pas bgt yah liriknya... hoooh masih ada beberapa tugas nih.. >_< ngerjain dulu yah.. btw ada apa dengan laptopku tersayang.. spertinya ada yang salah.. sering nge hang.. huhu..~ format aja ah ^^.. kayanya gara2 gw utik2 deh..
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 3:59 PM |
Sunday, March 13, 2005
nyaah~ just tyring..
huuuuum.. among all naruto the posibilities.. why hinata?? XD
![]() Which Naruto Character are You? quiz by orangeday.net shy --> hum.. maybe I did something wrong when aswering this.. malu si engga =D malu2in iya heuheuheu~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 1:40 AM |
Friday, March 11, 2005
long time~
duh dah lama gak isi post.. waks blakangan pake bhs indon terus hihi padahal tujuannya mao pake bhs inggris buat latian XD krn bahasa inggris saya sangat buruk hohoho..
yak.. lets move to the story.. -_-; weks.. I got nothing special to tell you... hum... hum.. (still confuse...) ok that's all huahua.. ^^ hey.. simple plan'll come here.. is it worth enough to watch them... hum.. still thinking..~
| posted by Tyas Kusumo @ 12:33 AM |